Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Blog #7

Week 7:
     Yesterday we finally won a game and it was a league game so we're now 1-1 in league. We've been getting better ever since our game on Friday. We were doing okay scoring every once in a while and the other team was still winning by five. In the last inning, we brought five runs in to tie the game. For third period, the class made ice cream for a lab in chemistry. It took a while to make and there wasn't enough for everybody so everyone ran to make it pretty much. A few people didn't get any like me, but I shared with my friend. It was pretty good and I put so much chocolate it didn't even taste like ice cream. After my game on Friday, I got a PS4 game I've been waiting for over a year. It's called Infamous: Second Son and it's amazing. It looked great visually and the story was also good, but short. I don't play games lately unless great games come out like Infamous or other games. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Blog #6

    I'm on the frosh baseball team at Savanna and we haven't been doing good at lately. Aryan getting hurt just makes everything worse and we need to get better soon because league is coming up. We're 0-4 so far and been killed in three of those. I've been practicing outside of school to try and get better. I've stricken out every time I've gone to bat. I'm excited for baseball season because its coming up the week of spring break.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Blog #5

The Past Week
     The past week, I've been doing good in school. I've completed and turned in most of my assignments for my classes. I'm trying to keep my grades really high because I want to go to a four college and I recently talked to my councilor about my future. On Tuesday, we had a game against Northwood and I'd rather not say the final score. I think I did the best defenselessly, but I did really bad offensively. I still don't know what to do with the 20 percent project because I wasn't here that long.